Thursday, July 02, 2009

Miles and Miles...

In addition to tracking my daily and weekly mileage totals, I have also been maintaining a hard copy accounting of my monthly total mileage. This is roughly the third year I have followed this practice, as I find it helpful (and ultimately rewarding) to visually see on paper what growth I have shown (at least growth in cumulative miles).
January: 42.1 miles
February: 95.2 miles
March: 120.1 miles
April: 102.2 miles
May: 172 miles
June: 186.6 miles

2009 Total (so far): 718.2 miles
Following the winter doldrums of January, my mileage has steadily increased (except for a "blip" during April, when, you'll recall, I was briefly hospitalized). Much of the increase in mileage is due in no small part to my committing to a training plan in anticipation of running this Saturday's 50k.

As I mentioned previously, and though it is likely to be a mud pit (not to be "wimpy", but I am not looking forward t having my shoes caked in mud--they really recover!), I am as ready as I feel I can be to take on this 31 miler!

Breathe in, breathe out… YOU AND I ARE ALIVE!

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