Thursday, July 02, 2009

Final 50k Roadie Preparations

Sometime late tomorrow afternoon, Anne, Gracie (our dog) and I will all pile into the Prius and head out to her parents camper in Bath, N.Y., to spend the evening before my race in Hector, N.Y., the following morning. While this statement and trip seems simple enough, even simple decision are not without there complications.

Originally we had intended to camp overnight at the Potomac Campgrounds in the Finger Lakes National Forest, the location of both the start and finish of the Finger Lakes Fifties. This idea became less desirable the closer to the date of the run, especially given the insane amounts of precipitation we have been experiencing in upstate New York over the past week.

While Anne and I enjoy camping (her son and I actually set up the tent last week to be surer all the "parts" were still there and intact), we have done the whole "camping-in-monsoon-rains" trip before and were not looking forward to a replay. The weather and the understandable desire on Anne's part not to be trapped in a tent/camp alone with our dog for six hours was more than enough for us to asks her parent's if we could stay at their camp. Being the kind folks that they are (and as we both anticipated) this proved to be "no problem at all!"

The plan (as it stands) now is to head to Bath, drop our things off, then head directly out to the race site so that we can be sure we know where to go, pick up the race packet, and time how long it takes to ravel between both points so that I can determine just what time we need to wake up the next morning in order to be at the start a half-an-hour prior to the race beginning.

The initial trip (Friday afternoon) from our home to Bath will take approximately 90 minutes. According to Yahoo Maps, it will then take us about 55 minutes from the camper to the race site. The only real potential problems lie in the reality that it is both the Fourth of July weekends and there will be a Formula 1 car race in Watkins Glen this weekend, a town we need to pass through on our way to Finger Lakes National Forest.

Breathe in, breathe out… YOU AND I ARE ALIVE!

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