Friday, July 10, 2009

Tearin' It Up

Run: 5 miles in :38:15 min. @ 6:00 a.m.
Weather: Fair, 57°F, 100% Humidity, Wind: From SSW @ 4 mph; feels like 57°F.
Pace: 7:36 min/mile
Course: A slightly longer loop around the 'hood.

I continue to find myself eating quite a bit over the last few days, likely the result of some nutritional deprivation... hopefully after "things" (activity levels, dietary choices, etceteras) even out normalize over the next few days, I will return to the balance I had prior to this week.

It was absolutely necessary that I wake up a little earlier this morning if I had any hopes of getting my run in as it looks (and feels) like it is going to be a hot one today!


After finishing up (what felt like a very good run) I think I may want to "dial it (the pace)" back a little. With about a half-mile remaining and during the time immediately following, the inside of my right thigh muscle(?) began to ache a little, especially when putting weight on it, as in when I walk. Judging from the Runner's World Runner's Body Tool, it could be a micro tear in my quadriceps tendon, which "leads to inflammation and pain." I'll definitely keep an eye on it and adjust accordingly... even if it means a short layoff to "rest" it.

Honestly, I do hope I am being an alarmist about the whole thing though, and will exercise caution... along(-ish) rest looks to be in order.

Breathe in, breathe out… YOU AND I ARE ALIVE!

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