Tuesday, July 07, 2009

The Training Week That Was... 6/29-7/5

While I've probably already said too much about my training/running this week, I feel that if I'm inconsistent in tracking my weekly workouts, I may just lose focus. Other than Saturday's 50k, the week was one about tapering, eating and psychologically preparation.

Here is what took place this past week with my training:
Monday: 4.4 miles @ 9:20 min/mile pace
Tuesday: 4.8 miles @ 6:54 min/mile pace
Wednesday-Friday: Rest
Saturday: 31 miles @ 10:43 min/mile pace
Sunday: Rest

TOTAL MILEAGE: R 41.2 miles (+3.7 miles from the previous week)
Weigh-In*: 184.0 lbs. (+0.5 lbs. from the previous week) [* @ 6:30 a.m. on 7/06/09]
With the Finger Lakes Fifties 50k, and more than a few days recovery and eating with the dietary constraints of training off, my thoughts are beginning to turn toward the next potential race and distance(s).

I've got a number of ideas (and a pile of multi-colored fliers with races and dates), but I'm still waiting another day or two before running lightly, establishing another training plan and making some decisions.

Breathe in, breathe out… YOU AND I ARE ALIVE!

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