Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Road to "Recovery"?

After nearly a month of resting my knees (and waiting for an appointment), this morning I finally made it to my orthopaedic specialist (actually his assistant) regarding the lingering knee ache which has plagued me following the July 4 50k. Other than a short recovery run a few days afterward, a single bicycle trip to work and some hiking in the Adirondacks with my wife, it has been a fairly exercise free summer month... something that is not easy to take, though I have managed by filling my time with other endeavors.

The result of my visit was positive and I left with no less than three prescriptions (patella strap, orthotics and super-duper strengthen anitinflammatories), one list of recommended knee strengthening exercise, an envelope of copious notes--many unrelated to the visit (pictured to the right), as well as, some insight which will be useful in purchasing my next pair of running shoes. That last thought about running shoes, however, might be me getting ahead of myself though, as it was suggested that I return to running following a period of first bicycling, followed by easy "jogging."

I have a follow-up appointment in four weeks, at which time I am hoping to have worked myself to a point wheer the doc will allow me to begin running.

Breathe in, breathe out… YOU AND I ARE ALIVE!

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