Saturday, August 29, 2009

Suds = The First Casualty

Run: 4.1 miles in :32:55 min. @ 8:00 a.m.
Weather: Cloudy, 65°F, 93% Humidity, Wind: SSE @ 3 mph; feels like 65°F.
Pace: 8:05 min/mile
Course: A loop around our neighborhood.

Though in actual mileage I only ventured out the slightest bit further today, it felt as though I had run a marathon. My pace (a very slow 8:05 min/mile), illustrated how far I have to go to get back to where I was when I ran the 50k in early July. While my current physical state of fitness is frustrating, I remain confident that I am getting quite a bit from even the short, moderately slow-paced miles I have put in the past few days and that he perspective that my time away has given me will prove valuable in the long term.

One conclusion I have made, based in part on my performance this morning, is that the first casualty of my training has got to be beer. This summer, I have grown quite fond, and comfortable with the cool refreshing taste of a nice cold brew (or two) every couple of days--not drinking until I'm hammered (I'm not 20 anymore!), but savoring the flavor and comfort of it. The problem is, I can feel the weight around my waste, and while beer is certainly not the only culprit (in truth, I am the person responsible), by removing it from my "diet" I can definitely save wasted calories--beside (and fortunately) with fall-like weather coming, I would prefer a glass of wine, anyway!

Happy trails and roads to you!


JayyVee said...

Poor, poor suds.. They will be sorely missed.. :)

Mister Scott said...

you have that right, brother!

Mister Scott said...

you have that right, brother!