Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Potable Water > Luxurious Showering?

potable (adjective) suitable for drinking

The past three weeks I have been attempting to conserve water by using less H20 when showering/shaving in the morning. While I previously would let the water run (too long in most cases) prior to jumping in for a 10-15 minute clean-up, I have altered the manner in which I prep for a day. I discussed this new ritual briefly in a previous post (on another blog), so I won't go into it all again.

Yesterday, while driving my stepson to crew practice, I disclosed to him how I had been "saving water." I then shared with him the story of how some countries don't have potable water and people are forced to get their water from divots in the ground or shallow wells.

At any rate, the video above is the impetus for my thinking about water use/misuse, and its pretty catchy and informational, so I thougth I'd share it again. The video posted above, was prepared by charity: water to promote World Water Day 2009, which was in March, and it features the well-drilling work funded by the organization in the Central African Republic. It was directed by Simon Willows, and includes the track "Time Bomb" by Beck.

Breathe in, breathe out… YOU AND I ARE ALIVE!

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