Saturday, October 17, 2009

Bah-run-ewe, Bah-run-ewe!

My course in Fairport today went by the local (only) farm, one which has a flock of sheep, some cows, a few llamas and a small collection chickens roosters.

Run: 5.9 miles in :49:30 min. @ 8:10 a.m.
Weather: Cloudy, 39°F, 82% Humidity, Wind: From NNW @ 5 mph; feels like 36°F.
Pace: 8:21 min/mile
Course: From Perinton Community Park, right onto Ayrault Road, left onto Turk Hill, Left onto Palmyra Rd., left onto Aldrich Rd., and finally,on last left back onto Ayrault and past Fairport High School.

Roughly fourteen hours after my most recent (and terribly inefficient) run, I decide to leave the car at my son's early morning cross-country practice and take a solo route around the surrounding community. Late yesterday afternoon, my knees ached as I trudged through a slow five-ish miles. This morning I map out a little less than six and give it another go...

Surprisingly, though my pace remains slow, I feel aerobically strong and enjoy passing the farms, parks and suburban bliss--a very unique and refreshing change of scenery for this city-dweller who more frequently finds himself running down darkened metropolitan streets...

Breathe in, breathe out… YOU AND I ARE ALIVE!

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