Monday, October 19, 2009

The Training Week That Was... 10/12-18

This past week was a much stronger overall effort--likely my best in a few months, though "best" is a relative term. My overall mileage increased significantly (+15.7 miles!), but the pace with which I executed those miles continues to be almost 40 seconds off my training pace last spring. This is to be expected, and in an effort to improve this week, my energies will go toward maintaining the distances while increasing the tempo.

Here is what has gone down over the past two weeks:
Monday: 6.4 miles @ 8:11 min/mile pace
Tuesday-Thursday: Rest
Friday: 5.6 miles @ 8:19 min/mile pace
Saturday: 5.9 miles @ 8:21 min/mile pace
Sunday: 7.5 miles @ 8:19 min/mile pace

TOTAL MILEAGE: 25.4 miles (+15.7 mi from last week)
Weigh-In*: 195.0 (-2 lbs. from the previous week) [* @ 4:30 a.m. on 10/19]
It was a little dangerous stringing together three days in a row of running, but as I continue to find a balance which will permit me to train during the work week, I have found myself relying on the weekends (including after work on Friday) to get any meaningful mileage in. The possibility of coaching this winter also adds an additional layer of complication, but I have a month to figure out how that all fits together with my personal training goals.

Breathe in, breathe out… YOU AND I ARE ALIVE!

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