Saturday, February 20, 2010

Run: 6.6 miles in :57.20 min. @ 8:10 a.m.

Highland Park this morning at 11:20 a.m.--in only three short months
this will be transformed into the fragrant and floral site
of the Lilac Festival.

Weather: Partly Cloudy, 29°F, Wind: From WSW @ 12 mph; feels like 19°F.
Pace: 8:42 min/mile
Course: A route coming out of the Park Avenue neighborhood, over Monroe Avenue, down South Clinton Avenue around the perimeter of Highland Park, down Elmwood, and, finally, past Cobbs Hill Park.

The second of an unplanned three consecutive days of running--"unplanned" because I neglected to run on Thursday and if I am to maintain some semblance of a training program, need to accomplish four runs in seven days; the seventh day of my "training week" being Sunday.

Though my pace was not much faster than the previous days, I did benefit from going immediately after waking up, having a cup of coffee, lightly stretching and getting out of the house before anyone woke up--as opposed to yesterday's "strategy" of laying about, playing on the computer, beginning my day and finally falling onto the street to "run" at about noon.

Breathe in, breathe out… YOU AND I ARE ALIVE!

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