Tuesday, June 22, 2010

My Green Toe: Waiting to Get Started

Lush, green and chock full o' weeds--this is what happens when one waits until Summer Solstice to get around to prepping veggie garden beds!

Following a very busy Spring, I am finally getting onto my chores list, among the "things to do" is establishing our backyard vegetable garden. In years; past the tomatoes, cucumbers, beans, eggplant, etceteras would already be in the ground and (last year notwithstanding) growing like crazy.

I used a variety of tools this year--spade, pitchfork, small rotor-tiller-- in an effort to remove what in essence was a full section of turf made up of weeds, vines, ground cover and grass.

This afternoon, with the assistance of my wife ans stepson, I finally managed to get the garden bed weeded, turnover and prepared to receive some plants--hopefully much sooner as in the next two days, rather than any later.

Wallah! Though the final prepared surface is not as "pristine" in its absence of weeds as in year's past, I hereby anoint the bed "satisfactorily prepared tor receive and nurture veggies!"

Breathe in, breathe out… YOU AND I ARE ALIVE!

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