Sunday, June 20, 2010

Run: 6.3 mi. in :54.00 min. @ 6:21 a.m.

Weather: Fair, 66°F, 93% Humidity, Wind: WSW @ 4 mph; feels like 66°F.
Pace: 8:35 min/mile
Course: Out towards Elmwood Avnue, whiel wandering through both Highland and Cobbs Hill Parks.
Mood(s): Drained, though ultimately hopeful.

I was very tempted to use my run this morning as a "catch-up" one, a training run designed on paper to have me catch-up to the training mileage posted last week so That (on paper) I will not appear to have taken a step back via the reduction. This, of course, would not be smart.

So, having thought better of it, I elected to attempt another lsd (long slow distance) run--something, anything, which reflect a variance from the mileage and pace (4-5.5 miles average, 8:15-8:50 min/mile pace) so that I could have some indicator of change.

Perhaps most surprisingly, I set out for my run unconcerned with the fact that I was wearing my dangerously short "running shorts," an item of apparel of late reserved for traipsing around he house on very hot days! But this morning--social conventions be damned!

Breathe in, breathe out… YOU AND I ARE ALIVE!

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