Friday, July 23, 2010

A.M. Yoga

Workout: AM Workout from AM and PM Yoga for Beginners
Duration: Approx. 15 minutes

After three days of running, and with a proposed long slow distance run on the horizon for tomorrow, I took advantage of today's recovery day to work though Yee's AM Yoga series of poses. The purpose of my doing this is for recovery and flexibility, more so than a "workout."

I can definitely see a benefit in my balance in flexibility even after completing this very short series, so there may be a value in moving on to something more extensive, say 30-40 minute yoga workout. Currently, I am getting what I'd like from my "yoga experience," and where as others like the physical work out aspect, I prefer the meditative nature of a simple series... at least for now.

Breathe in, breathe out… YOU AND I ARE ALIVE!

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