Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Product Review: Slim-fast Optima Shake

Following yesterday's early morning run, I tried an alternate recovery drink, the Slim-Fast Shake. Among the Runnersworld.com suggestions, the most accessible was the Slim-Fast Optima Shake. After searching two local markets, and noticing that the shelving bar codes still identified the product as simply "Slim-fast Optima Shake," and though the an did not bear the same branding, I picked up a ready-to-drink six pack with the intent of giving it a go.

Though generally associated with weight-loss, because it was included as part of Runner's World's assessment of a variety of potential post-race recovery drinks, I figured "why not!" After my six mile run, and waiting a full day to best judge the gastrointestinal impact of the drink, I am capable of making a quick assessment. As my first "real" recovery drink, my only point of reference is my previously discussed Carnation Instant Breakfast Drink Essentials, a product I have been using of late after runs. The Slim-Fast Shake actually compares quite favorable in many areas.

Upon first swig, I think that while definitely drinkable, the Slim-Fast Shake is a product which demands you adhere closely to the "Serve Chilled" prompt on the top of the can. While I did drink it "chilled," after an night in the fridge, in the future I will use a chilled glass as well... the shake definitely drinks more smoothly the colder it is.

The texture of the shake is indeed "shake-like" though not exactly Shamrock-shakey, it is thick and smooth and only slightly chalky. Having sampled the "Creamy Milk Chocolate" flavor, I can also attest to the chocolaty-ness of the drink. The most admirable quality this product had for me, in addition to being extremely drinkable and filling is that it did not cause my to be gassy throughout the morning, a side-effect of the Carnation product I had been becoming increasingly aware of of late.

Nutritionally, the Slim-fast drink portion had two times (10g) the amount of protein as the same sized serving of Carnation Breakfast Essentials Chocolate drink. Most importantly, I did feel as though my legs recovered more quickly and as the day progressed, I felt more capable of running the following day with less achiness (of course I was unable to better test the theory as I had an emergency root canal--really--which precluded me from doing so).

Bottom Line--I'm on board with Slim-Fast for the near future--or next five cans--at which point I'll either try another product or continue with the chocolate shake breakfasts!

Breathe in, breathe out… YOU AND I ARE ALIVE!

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