Thursday, July 15, 2010

Run: 6.3 miles in :51.39 min @ 5:15 am

Weather: Clear, 66°F, 97% Humidity, Wind: CALM; feels like 66°F.
Course: Down East Avenue to Clover Road, then back up Monroe Avenue.
Pace: 8:11 min/mile
Effort: 4 of 5
How did I feel? Good!

Fortunately I went out early this morning--if the early morning readings of 97% humidity and clear moonlit skies are any indication, it's going to be another hot one today! This morning, I felt good while picking up my training following a planned rest day on Wednesday. My knees did, howvere, ache slightly, which served as a physical reminder to be cautoius in pushing myself too hard, too soon, and to be patient with my form.

I continue to attempt to monitor my gait and pace so as to be as efficient as possible and reduce unnecessary pounding on the pavement. While I recognize that ideally, I'll find a way to mix up the surfaces on which I'm running, my past (negative) experiences running alone on trails makes doing so while unregistered for a more formal run (i.e. "race") a little leery to simply park my car on the side of the road and head into the woods for a run.

Breathe in, breathe out… YOU AND I ARE ALIVE!

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