Friday, July 16, 2010

Run: 4.7 miles in :38.59 @ 5:45 am

Weather: Cloudy, 74°F, 79% Humidity, Wind: From SW @ 8 mph; feels like 74°F.
Course: A short loop around my 'hood.
Pace: 8:17 min/mile
Effort: 2 of 5
How did I feel? Tired

A laborious run on too little sleep... (hopefully) not indicative of my normal effort, but something which needed to be completed for my psychological well-being anyway.

My knees felt very achy and I labored throughout the run, on both uphills and downhills equally. I did, however, feel a slight sense of accomplishment in just making it through the entire course I mapped out prior.

Breathe in, breathe out… YOU AND I ARE ALIVE!

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