Sunday, July 25, 2010

Yoga Conditioning for Athletes

Workout: "Opening" & "Conditioning" from Yoga Conditioning for Athletes With Rodney Yee
Duration: Approx. 33 minutes

It's morning's like these, you know, just following a (for you) long run the previous day, you know you should recover because your mileage has already increased the appropriate percentage for the week and you don't want to over-do it, but you just feel so jacked that it can't possibly be wrong to run anyway... that are the most difficult to stay disciplined during! This desire to go "above and beyond" is exacerbated by the fact that you know that your weight has actually increased despite feeling a productive training week was had...

So, it was back to the VHS bin for the timeless workout classic with Rodney Yee. When I first purchased this time about ten(!) years ago, it was among the most challenging, and I am fairly sure I never made it through all three series of poses. That would not change this morning, but I did manage to gain some perspective on the holistic nature of good nature of effective training. While I could mimic most poses (thanks to the inclusion this particular tape of more than one persons--other than the flawless Rodney--attempting each pose at a variety of skill(flexibility) levels).

My attempts at eagle and tree poses, however, leave quite a bit to be desired, and are just two of many specific areas requiring improvement...

Breathe in, breathe out… YOU AND I ARE ALIVE!

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