Saturday, September 25, 2010

Run: 7.6 miles in ≈:59 min. @ 6:30 a.m.

Weather: Cloudy, 62°F, 95% Humidity, Wind: WSW @ 12 mph; feels like 62°F.
Course: A loop around my neighborhood.
Pace: ≈7:45 min/mile
Effort: 4 out of 5
How did I feel? Good!
Gear: Amphipod RunLite Trail Runner

How do some folks do it?

It continues to be a challenge for me to balance school (work), family (going to the kids--whether students or my own children--sporting events), being productive at home and training. In another month I'll be adding the additional responsibilities of coaching six of seven days a week and I feel no closer to finding a reasonable way to make it work. ("It" being running at least four times weekly on a consistent basis.)

At any rate, this morning I did wake up, after taking advantage of the rare opporuntity to "sleep in" until 6:00 am, and sneak a run in before taking my son to his school for the bus to an xc invitational (which I unfortunatey will be unable to attend) and starting my day.

Breathe in, breathe out… YOU AND I ARE ALIVE!

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