Run: 7.3 miles in :58:00 min. @ 6:35 a.m.
Weather: Light Rain & Snow!, 37°F, 75% Humidity, Wind: From NNW @ 11 mph; feels like 30°F.
Average Mile Page: 7:54 min./mi.
Course: The Big Butt Seven course made using USATF Map It! in reverse.
If the cool, damp weather is not going to let up, then neither will I!
Today is a good day for "not giving up" as my wife (she and I are pictured to the right, immediately following this past year's Buffalo Marathon) will be going in for some serious surgery this
afternoon morning (we just received a phone call regarding a cancellation so she has been "bumped up"), and despite the nature of the surgical procedure, I remain extremely optimistic (and so do the surgeons) that everything will work out just fine. Fortunately, the problem was caught while still operable, and today's surgery is just the first step towards a healthy future...
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