Thursday, September 15, 2011

Run: 4.4 miles in :36.01 min. @ 4:00 a.m.

Weather: Ligth Rain, 52°F, 88% Humidity, Wind: NNW @ 6 mph; feels like 52°F.
Route: A short loop around my neighborhood.
Pace: 8:11 min/mile
Effort: 5 of 5
How did I feel? Super!

Other than last Sunday's long run, and doing quite a bit of standing around and sprinting in sandals to coach during cross-country meets/practice, this week has been one of mentally preparing and fueling up for this weekend's half-marathon. After reading the most recent issue of Runner's World (the one with the article about training yourself to get up early to run) I thought it might be a grand idea to wake up extra early this morning to stretch out my legs with a few miles before heading to work. While I had read the weather forecast calling for rain, this has been a consistent forecast the past few days with nary a drop to show for it.

This morning I awoke to a rainstorm, and decide that I would "suck it up" and head out regardless. I'm thankful I did...
Be here now!

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