Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Run: 2.3 miles in :15:56 min. @ 4:50 a.m.

Weather: Cloudy, 61°F, 84% Humidity, Wind: From W @ 7 mph; feels like 61°F.
Training Plan Suggested Mileage: 2 miles
Average Mile Page: 6:56 min./mi.
Course: Around my neighborhood: Vassar Street to Milburn Street to Edgerton Road to Park Avenue to Harvard Street and Canterbury, then finally, home.

Today is the start of my first full week on my new training plan, and as suggested in a previous post, the mileage begins small, then builds over the next few months. Today's two miles plus was treated as a fartlek of sorts as I picked up the pace considerably at different points over the short course. The great thing about these shorter distances as that I am capable of getting them in early in the morning before the work day begins.

This afternoon, after work and before class, I will be seeing my primary physician regarding my recent arm, chest and hand ache... I'm always concerned that I will not properly articulate the concern and that nothing will happen. In the interest of not having that be the case, I'm hoping to have some time before moving to an alternate site to grade, to scribble down some notes. My hope remains that it is just some sort of weird nerve tweak that can be "fixed" easily... unfortunately, I also know that few things are "easy"...

Breathe in, breathe out… YOU AND I ARE ALIVE!

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