Sunday, June 22, 2008

Run: 6.2 miles in :45:58 min. @ 7:10 a.m.

Weather: Mostly Cloudy, 60°F, 90% Humidity, Wind: From SSW @ 7 mph; feels like 60°F.
Average Mile Page: 7:25 min./mi.
Recommended Mileage: 6
Course: Castaway's Ritzy 6-mile Run.

The past few days (week?) I have been having a numbing feeling my chest and a "muffled" pain in my arm, as well as, the feeling that my fingers are sleeping. Though uncomfortable at times, it seems like maybe some sort of "pull," but to be sure I am going to call the doc's office... though I fear looking like an alarmist, I am more afraid of having something that forces a more sedentary life on me. Of course, being dead is about as "sedentary" as it gets.

Today, though, a wonderful day for a run and, while in motion, I felt great!

Breathe in, breathe out… YOU AND I ARE ALIVE!

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