Thursday, June 26, 2008

Out and About

Weather: Cloudy, 80°F, 59% Humidity, Wind: From W @ 18 mph; feels like 82°F.
Run: 2.7 miles in :20:48 min. @ 2:40 p.m
Walk: 1.4 miles home
Average Mile Page: 7:42 min./mi.
Recommended Mileage: 4
Course: Around and about.

Probably not the best idea to go for a run after work today. It was awfully humid out , but I really wanted to stay on track with my mileage, and I nearly did. I'm not so far off that I can't conceivably make it up as part of one of the longer weekend runs.

At about mile 2.5 today my legs felt like they could not go anymore; not like I had to stop or drop but more like it was very uncomfortable and they felt heavy or slightly numb. Th other day my wife asked me "if you legs get numb, how can you walk?" I tried to explain what they felt like "I don't know, they feel like they are filled stuffing or sort fo asleep...," but it doesn't even make much sense to me.

At any rate, I stopped and walked the almost mile-and-a-half home rather han risking anything stupid. I keep thinking that maybe this whole paresthesis deal is all in my noggin and if iI just relax and wait til tomorrow when it's cooler, everything will be okay. For now, I reckon, I'll just wait and see...

Breathe in, breathe out… YOU AND I ARE ALIVE!

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