Saturday, June 28, 2008

Running on Air

Run: 7 miles in :52:07 min. @ 11:40 a.m.
Weather: Light Rain, 79°F, 70% Humidity, Wind: From SSE @ 3 mph; feels like 82°F.
Training Plan Suggested Mileage: 6 miles
Average Mile Page: 7:31 min./mi.
Course: Around...

I had hoped to run the Charlie McMullin Mile, one of the Rochester Runner of the Year series of races, and now unfortunately, it will forever remain one of two races that I missed this year. By the time I thought I might be able to run, and checked the start time, it was too late. C'est la vie.

No excuses though, my body is still very achy and I did want to attempt some regular running here at home prior to "racing" again. I don't know if I can resume my "training" just yet, but I guess things can't get too much worse, so I have little to lose by going for a "jog" (gosh, I am so not a fan of that word!) around the neighborhood to test my body out a little.

The run went fine, though at about mile five my legs became numb from the knees down and my arms did the same from around my shoulders down... not numb like "I can't move them!" but numb like "hey, my arms and legs are asleep and feel like they weigh a ton!" I worked through this by focusing on my form, keeping by back straight and my arms and legs moving correctly. I was aware of the motion of my body and appendages pushing me along the road, but in some ways it felt like I was running on air... the key, of course, will be how I feel later today and if I have exacerbated whatever is wrong.

So, I guess it was it was a good morning run...

Breathe in, breathe out… YOU AND I ARE ALIVE!

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