Thursday, July 17, 2008

2008 Boilermaker Photo Wrap-Up!

As previously posted, last Sunday's Utica Boilermaker was a relative success for yours truly in that I improved upon my time from the previous year. The highlight was the bus trip down and back (organized by our friends at GRTC), and the wonderful conversation and camaraderie that occurred. has finally posted some images from the event, just a couple of which I'll share with you (with very little editorializing):

Here I am in a picture taken at roughly the same time as the one at the top of the post... the start. Notice how I am still smiling and happy... it was after all the beginning of 9.3 humid miles.

Here I am, no longer smiling, but (trust me) really pretty happy on the inside... I felt that I ran well within myself and competently, despite the seductive clouds which gave me a false sense that it was cooler out than it actually was.

Ah... the Finish Line. By the time I eked out a feeble kick through the chute I was looking for a Popsicle, or orange wedge, or anything!

Breathe in, breathe out… YOU AND I ARE ALIVE!

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