Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Rushmore Redux

Run: 4.8 miles in :34:37 min. @ 8:40 a.m.
Weather: Partly Cloudy, 63°F, 65% Humidity, Wind: From SSW @ 9 mph; feels like 63°F.
Training Plan Suggested Mileage: 4 miles
Average Mile Page: 7:13 min./mi.
Course: Out and about!

This morning my stepson left on an airplane for a six day trip West with his Boy Scout troop. They will be visiting Mt. Rushmore over the July Fourth weekend, as well as, attending a Colorado Rockies baseball game. We have driven West twice before as family, (the most recent being two years ago--when we first went to Mt. Rushmore) and I certainly wish we were all headed along with him on this trip, but learning to fly without your parents is all part of growing up I suppose.

This morning's run went well, and with warm weather moving in for this afternoon, I was fortunate to make it home to hit the roads before things really started heating up. On tap for today: a visit to my podiatrist to have him x-ray and check out the ganglia (translation: "big bump") on the top of my left foot. Oh, the joys of summer!

Breathe in, breathe out… YOU AND I ARE ALIVE!

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