Sunday, August 03, 2008

Sometimes Bird-ly Awake

Run: 8.9 miles in 1:06:31 min. @ 7:00 a.m.
Weather: Partly Cloudy, 62°F, 90% Humidity, Wind: From W @ 3 mph; feels like 62°F.
Training Plan Suggested Mileage: 8 miles
Average Mile Page: 7:29 min./mi.
Course: Out and about!
If I were a bird, I'd sing a song
And fly about the whole day long
And when the night comes, go to rest,
Up in my cozy little nest.
by Jackie Silberg
Lying in bed at 6:00 a.m., I haggled with myself over whether to get up now or wait. Eventually it was the bird calls: three "whoo"'s in succession, a brief pause then three more and so on into the morning, that prompted me from my bed...

After pouring myself a cup of coffee I proceeded to the attic, where one of our computers are, to review the course I had prepared the previous evening. While I tapped away at the log in , a single adult Robin perched on the window sill of an open "sun roof" window only four feet from where I was sitting at the desk. I thought to myself momentarily "Will he come in?" After less than minute of looking around from atop our roof, the bird flitted away as abruptly as he had arrived.

Breathe in, breathe out… YOU AND I ARE ALIVE!


Cyberpenguin said...

Hahaha, you sound like me. The birds start in, I wake up, & then there's no going back to sleep. ;-)

You're very lucky that you've got such nice weather for your runs: Your weather at 7 am is a lot cooler than mine! Here, it's usually already 75 degrees (& rising fast) by that time!

Mister Scott said...

Thanks for stopping by and commenting...

If it wren;t for the birds i might never get up... and they also motivate when running as I'll try to keep mental count of just how many of what type i see... though I'm not very good at identifying them without a file guide!

The weather has been remarkably conducive to running this summer... especially if you are an early bird! ;)

Cyberpenguin said...

Hahahaha, sounds like the birds are your natural alarm clock! What a beautiful photo! Is this one of the little fellows that woke you up?! LOL.

Cyberpenguin said...

Hi Mister Scott,
Just thought you might like to know that you're now a member of the Runner's Circle.