Thursday, August 07, 2008

Running Math Made Not-so-Easy!

Week 6 Key Run 2
Planned Workout: 6 miles--1 easy + 5 @ MT (Mid-Tempo)
Actual Run: 6.8 miles in :48:13 min. (5.77 miles in 39:48 min.) @ 7:00 a.m.
Weather: Mostly Cloudy, 62°F, 86% Humidity, Wind: From WSW @ 6 mph; feels like 62°F.
Average Mile Page: 7:07/6:54 min./mi.
Course: And and about!

The FIRST program has a series of formulas for use in determining the correct pace one should run at for each workout. There are varying paces dictated by which of the three Key Runs (speed, threshold or long) and varying levels withing each key run. Though it may sound confusing, it really is pretty simple as all paces are based, in part, on your 5k race pace in minutes and seconds.

Today's workout, Key Run 2, is intended as a "threshold run" and should be run at "Mid-Tempo" pace. For me, who on average can put together a 19:20 5k finish (meaning a 6:14 per mile pace), this is still faster than my general average training time of between 7:15 to 7:40. The Mid-Tempo pace is determined by adding an additional 35 seconds to my 5k pace. This comes out to 6:49.

If I am to follow the plan, there are two things (as I see it) which I need to do: first, honor the "1 mile easy pace." Often I'll set out to do this, but will quickly decide just to go after it. If I am to do the second thing, I'll need to the first... uh... first. Secondly, I'll need to increase my training pace by (on average) by 35-40 seconds... OUCH!

Before running, it tales a little bit of planning to hit the correct mileage (1 easy, 5 threshold); I need to map out the course, with distances, in advance, and internalize the points at which I need to increase an decrease pace. Following my run, and without the "benefit" of one of those fandangled-wrist-super-computer-thingies, it takes some basic Math skills (which I lack!) to determine how closely I came to meeting my running goal. In the end, I ran a total of 6.8 miles in :48:13, an overall pace of 7:07). The first mile, which was intended to be "easy," I probably took it too easy and clocked it at 8:35. The remaining 5.8 miles was run at what I had hoped would be "threshold pace." The 5.8 took 39:48 minutes (48:13 - 8:35), for an average mile pace of 6:54.

So, I felt I did pretty well, by missing my targeted threshold mile run pace of 6:49 by only five seconds. Considering I went almost a mile (.8) beyond the necessary distance, I'm off to a pretty fair (though complicated!) start.

Breathe in, breathe out… YOU AND I ARE ALIVE!

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