Sunday, August 17, 2008

Sunday Morning Ride

Bicycling: 13 miles in :58:13 min. @ 8:25 a.m.
Weather: Partly Cloudy, 64°F, 79% Humidity, Wind: From SW @ 9 mph; feels like 64°F.
Average Mile Page: 4:29 min./mi.
Course: Around Rochester including the Genesee and Erie Canal Trailways

Following yesterday's "Key Run 3," I have been experiencing a slight "tweaking" sensation at the back of my left ankle. I had intended to run ten easy miles this morning, but thought better of it, electing instead to set out on a short bicycle ride.

Though not exactly the same cardio-level as I would have benefited from if I had run, it was great to get out and sweat a little, as well as, to stretch out my ankle. I am not scheduled to run again until Tuesday, but may get out for a short easy run with one of my kids before then.

As I was bicycling this morning, it was great to see so many other folks running and cycling along the Erie Canal Trailway, further evidence of the great recreational resource we have here in our community.

Breathe in, breathe out… YOU AND I ARE ALIVE!

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