Last week for my birthday, my wife was kind enough to gift me with a new camera, a Canon EOS Rebel XS. Our previous camera, an older Kodak quickie digital model served its purpose, but ultimately did not do some of the things we had eventually hoped it would, such as allow for better picture taking when it came to smaller subjects, such as the birds in our backyard.
I'm confident we will be able to do this with our new camera, though my skills and proficiency with the nuances of digital photography are still lacking. Yes, I have read (most of) the direction manual, but will probably find "playing" a better way to figure out the ins and outs of this camera.
One thing I have already learned is how to "manipulate photos using the software (in this case Zoom Browser) to make the pics look a little closer.
Here is the picture taken by my wife of a blue jay on one of our backyard feeders, just as she took it (though I did add a yellow arrow to make identifying the "subject" easier):
A nice picture, maybe, but the subject is kind of hard to see. When this was taken the intention was to snap a clear picture of the bird, presumably facing the camera. Once I zoomed in and cleared up the image, the resulting pic at the top of the post shows that what we indeed snapped was face full of Blue jay butt!
It's just the first "real" bird picture attempted, so don't be too critical... I certainly feel that with a little more practice (and reading of manuals) we will be on our way to posting stronger pics...
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