Pace: 7:53 min/mile
Course: A very short run around the 'hood including a pass by Cobbs Hill Park, pictured below.

Some times it is s-o-o-o-o hard to get motivated. After flying high after Sunday's long run, today I have been dreading the thought of going out running for what is in effect a short four mile recovery run. Between baseball games, track practice, work and lief, lacing up my sneakers seems like the last thing I want to do... but it has to be done.
It is probably not surprising for me to share that 4.4 miles today felt more challenging that 17.5 just two days ago. I suspect, though, that given the 36 hours rest and slow paced run this evening, shoudl I manage to follow my plan and get out tomorrow (never a sure thing) my legs will feel significantly better.
Breathe in, breathe out… YOU AND I ARE ALIVE!
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