A second consecutive strong week of training, and one during which despite my inability to meet my overall mileage goal of 44 miles, I did feel as though I've made progress toward running better. I continued an unfortunate pattern (and one which has become consistent during this time of year given other responsibilities) of getting only three of seven days in, which means the overwhelming percentage of miles run are taking place during the weekends.

Just as I tell my athletes tho "pull some of their 'race' back into the early parts (thereby maintaining a consistent pace rather than sprinting the last 200 meters after trailing the
whole race)," I need to pull more miles into the work week so that I am running all week, not just during the weekends.... that is , if I want to improve.
What is important, though, is that I did manage to stick (roughly) to the spirit of my training plan. Here is just what went down this week:
Monday & Tuesday: Rest
Wednesday: 6.2 miles
Thursday & Friday: Rest
Saturday: 11.3 miles
Sunday: 17.5 miles
TOTAL MILEAGE: R 35 miles (-3.6 miles from the previous week)
Weigh-In*: 189.5 lbs. (-2.5 lbs.) [* @ 5:00 a.m. on 5/18/09]
I was pleased to note this morning that I have dropped 2.5 pounds from the previous week. Though I am not necessarily "dieting," I am attempting to practice better portion control and continue eating appropriate amounts of healthy food... the work week is when this gets challenging, so we'll see what this week brings!
Breathe in, breathe out… YOU AND I ARE ALIVE!
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