Sunday, June 07, 2009

Hydration System Malfunction

Run: 9.6 miles in 1:18:59 min. @ 7:00 a.m.
Weather: Cloudy, 56°F, 47% Humidity, Wind: N @ 7 mph; feels like 56°F.
Pace: 8:14 min/mile
Course: Castaway's 9.5 Mile Money Route found using USATF Map It!

After yesterday mornings somewhat problematic performance of my original Amphipod Hydration System (translation: belt with water flasks), I figured this morning I would try out the single flask system I won last summer at a trail race series. I had hoped that this system would work well enough to forgo purchasing a new one.

Sometimes there is a reason things are "free" (or offered as prizes at races)! After snapping the system into place around my waste it seemed to fit pretty well, in fact, better than my old system which employed a (granted though "high power") Velcro locking. All things initially appeared fine, that is until, I tried running. The motion of moving quickly wiggled the bottle up and out of the cradle, which rested at the small of my back.

To make an excuse, my somewhat slower pace today was (in part) due to my need to constantly split my focus and attention between both the run and the bottle. I found myself very frequently needing to reach back ansd push the bottle into the "cradle" for fear that it would go careening into the oncoming traffic. Eventually, at about mile 7, I tossed the bottle to the side of the road at a quier intersection in an effort to complete the training run without the distraction. (The bottle actually had a few excellent features--ergonomic design and lock nozzle, so I did return later to retrieve it from the long grass).

This afternoon I will be heading to one of my local shop0s to attemtpt the purchase of a better fitting hydration system...

Breathe in, breathe out… YOU AND I ARE ALIVE!

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