Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The Smells of Summer

Run: 5.8 miles in 43:18 min. @ 2:00 p.m.
Weather: Partly Cloudy, 73°F, 47% Humidity, Wind: E @ 12 mph; feels like 73°F.
Pace: 7:27 min/mile
Course:Peace Down 5 Miler made using USATF Map It!

Regents exams for one of my courses is coming up n the next two days which, combined with CPR/AED training and my son's baseball game, getting my runs in (especially tomorrow) will be a challenge. This afternoon I scooted right home to at least start the week off on track by planning a five mile run.

I look at this particulars weekly run, which follows a rest day after two good distanced weekend runs, as a "recovery run" of sorts, so my concern is with getting loose and maintaining a moderate pace while avoiding too much taxing of my muscles and joints.

I don't generally run in the "daytime," and one clear difference this afternoon was the clear scent of newly sealed blacktop. As I careened through some new streets the smell was oddly pleasant inn the sort of a way one welcomes any sign of better things to come, even if it can be slightly overpowering on ocassion.

Breathe in, breathe out… YOU AND I ARE ALIVE!

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