Friday, June 19, 2009

Sometimes Poetry Just Happens

From my photo archive comes this picture taken of one urban high school located near my home. I find myself passing it frequently and one afternoon noticed these words, which seemingly appeared from nowhere... at least in my somewhat limited range of observation.

There must have been a time when someone (students? staff? homeless?) placed varied word sequences on the black metal fences surrounding the playing fields. As words and pieces fell off or were (presumably) taken, the resulting effect was the magnetic-cum-fence free form poetry pictured above.

It was such an interesting visual I returned later to snap a few photographs, one of which appears above. It was hard to quickly determine if all of the words, of which there was a lot of fencing covered, were all part of a longer train of thought poem, or if each segment was a different individual student's contribution. As it stands for this image:

"dawn awakes without shadow remember sacred."

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