Friday, July 17, 2009

Dangling Participles...

dangling participle (or dangling modifier) attaches itself to a word different from the one the writer apparently intended.The writer may have meant to modify the subject, but word order makes the modifier seem to modify an object instead.
Recently, this blog has covered some ground that, while related to running, has been slightly different than my intent as this blogs "author." I've started some things that I haven't finished. In the interest of following up on some previous posts (and in having something related to "running" to write abut in the absence of actually running myself)...
2009 Badwater Results: Congratulations to Brazilian bad-a$$ Marcos Farinazzo, the overall Winner of the The Badwater Ultramarathon which took place from July 13-15. Marcos covered the 135 mile course in 23:39:18! Other winners include all 54 athletes who finished before the cut-off time. Kudos to all 86 athletes who gave it a shot--the beautifully painful truth is that there is always next year!

Injury Update: It has now been exactly one week since I last laced up my running shoes and hit the streets. I continue to have pain in both knees but it has improved. I continue to RICE and take anti-inflammatory, Glucosomine/Chondroitin, in addition to my "regular" vitamins, and remain confident of an (eventual) return. I am learning patience (still!) and have kept myself busy doing other things. I may go for a bicycle ride today, and possible ride the ten-ish miles to work on Monday. This is all of course dependent on how my legs feel on nay given day.

"Fitness" Levels: While I totally recognize that Fitness does not necessarily dependent solely on one's weight, I was concerned that I would (mostly as a result of possibly being "bummed out") I would gain excessive pounds during this down time. Surprisingly, I have maintained my pre-race/injury weight of 183.5 pounds. Immediately following the race I did "splurge," but have once again fallen into a fairly healthy pattern of portion size and fairly nutrient rich eating habits.

Bookshelf: I have completed Ethan Frome by Edith Wharton and begun The Death of a Salesman in anticipation of next school year's coursework. I also have jumped into Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson with David Oliver Relin. The latter has offered a nice (translation: positive) counterbalance to the dreary canon books.
That about covers things for now. Hopefully in the next few days/weeks, I'll be able to share more meaty reflections on all things "runned-a-bout!"

Breathe in, breathe out… YOU AND I ARE ALIVE!

1 comment:

smchurchi said...

Sorry to hear about your injury, but glad to hear that it's improving. Sounds like you're remaining svelt...what's your secret? Love to hear what you thought about Ethan Frome.
