Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Gone Running Biking Recovering?

One day removed from bicycling to work and my knees have not responded well to the attempt at the peddling motion--which is problematic as it is reminiscent of the running one without the impact of striking the ground It would appear that I have a la longer recovery period to look forward to.

In addition to continuing RICE and my regular vitamin supplement regiment (Glucosomine/Chondroitin, anti-inflammatory, fish oil, and One-a-Day), I took the step of calling my physician to schedule a visit with him regarding the pain/ache. Of course, health care being what it is, the earliest appointment available was for mid-August (though as I am currently on summer break, I assured the receptionist that I could come into the office at the drop of a hat should there be a cancellation), so it appears as though I will be breaking for at least the duration, likely what will be prescribed anyway.

Now that my running and bicycing days are over for the summer, it looks like it might be an appropriate time to turn my sights on some other endeavor... though just how it fits into the "Run-a-bout!" theme I've (sort of) established here remains to be seen.

Breathe in, breathe out… YOU AND I ARE ALIVE!


Lindsay said...

You should try swimming laps : ) Very relaxing and not so hard on the legs/knees. I run too and had to go get a better pair of shoes bc the pain was horrible! My knees kept having sharp shooting pains. But of course bc I am a woman I will use any excuse to buy some cute shoes : )

Mister Scott said...

thanks for stopping by and leaving some suggestions!

i definitely need to get into the pool... the largest barriers being both my inability to swim a strole beyond the "dead mans float" and (worse yet) the anxiety that comes with the likelihood that i would be the biggest "kid" in the swim class :)

there are some adult swim classes locally, but i would DEFINITELY rather buy new shoes though, too!
