Friday, July 24, 2009

On Haitus

Give that Run-a-bout! is my "running" blog, and the reality that I won't be doing much related to that specific activity for at least a month, there are unlikely to be many new posts here in the near future.

Fear not, though, this does NOT mean I'll be sitting in my room sobbing about my inactivity, quite the contrary, I just won't necessarily be writing for "publishication" on this particular site.

I invite you to follow one of my other less content-specific blogs to keep up with what's going on in my life and my head. I hope to be back soon with more information regarding future running goals and plans...

Breathe in, breathe out… YOU AND I ARE ALIVE!

1 comment:

Mister Scott said...

thanksf ro stopping by and commenting... hopfully i'll have more content to post soon... cheers!