Saturday, July 25, 2009

The Karmic Weight of Comic Book Collecting

Despite a longstanding desire to cut back on the number of comic books graphic novellas COMIC BOOKS(!) I currently purchase during any given week, I haven't failed to do so in a way that saves any money. As I (begrudgingly) reduce the actual titles I collect, the cost continues to increase (some are #3.99 an issue!), so the amount of money spent has actually gone up as the booty brought home has decreased.

This hobby addiction will very likely be my karmic downfall because, try as I might--and this does require discipline--it has proven very challenging for this American-otaku to completely eliminate this particular "attachment."

Pictured to the left are just a few of the piles of comic books I have been stacking since May, that are now in need of "bagging and backboarding" for storage in my long boxes. "Bagging and backboarding" is the common collector's practice of placing comic books in sized "plastic bags" with specially sized cardboard backing for the purposes of storage and maintaining each individual book's spine and overall condition.

This "process" (made unnecessarily drawn out due to my reading and re-reading specific titles as I "b and b" them) of organizing and storing my "books" is one which I will spend some quality time on this weekend... in addition to meditating briefly on the inherent nuttiness of it all!

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