Saturday, September 26, 2009

First Time, Long Time, Slow Time

Run: 2.6 miles in :23:45 min. @ 8:10 a.m.
Weather: Fair, 46°F, 82% Humidity, Wind: SSE @ 8 mph; feels like 42°F.
Pace: 9:17 mile/min
Course: A short jaunt around my immediate neighborhood.

Hard to believe it has been three weeks since I last posted her (well, just about anywhere recreational!). I have been fairly inactive since the start of school year due primarily to a fairly heavy workload, but one which I am learning to more careful balance.

Additionally, I have continued to have some strength "issues" with my knees and just a week-ago-Thursday had a follow-up appointment with my doctor who recommend some basic exercise I could use to begin rebuilding the strength in what had become atrophied legs. Apparently, that's what can happen when one goes from training for 50k races to walking three miles a week... surprise!

At any rate (well, a slo-o-ow rate) I'm back for another go at picking up the training pieces...

Things went "okay" this morning, and by "okay" I mean simply that I ran and made it home. My pace (9:17 min/mile) was approximately 1:30 minutes off my previous training pace, so clearly there is a lot to work towards.

Breathe in, breathe out… YOU AND I ARE ALIVE!

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