Saturday, October 03, 2009

Epic Training FAIL

This (Saturday) morning I had begun crafting the following post with the intention of getting up from my chair, putting on my running shoes and heading out the door:
Waking up at a little before 5 a.m. this morning, I immediately set about, not preparing to go for a run, but rather, settling in to begin grading the stack of Ethan Frome/Death of a Salesman papers I have been periodically scanning for nearly a week. It has been four days since I have been for a run (and two since meaningfully participating in my sitting practice), so after a few wayward days, I try to take advantage of the empty house (Anne and Greg are at a regatta in Pittsburgh and my son at his mother's) to catch up.
Unfortunately, after getting completely dressed and placing my hand on the door knob to go outside, I was overcome by the distinct desire NOT to run, but instead to sit and play X-Box, before eventually returning to my papers.

It was just one of those epic fail training days, one for which I hope to atone tomorrow... that is unless something else "comes up."

Breathe in, breathe out… YOU AND I ARE ALIVE!

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