Sunday, November 29, 2009

Taste Test: Guayaki Yerba Mate

While shopping yesterday I came across a bottle of "yerba mate" in the organic/health food section of the store. A species of holly (family Aquifoliaceae) native to subtropical South America in northeastern Argentina, eastern Paraguay and southern Brazil, yerba mate appears on the surface to be a tea of sorts, the primary difference being in its preparation (hot rather than boiling water).

Either way, the product for sale on the shelf was in neither a "hot" nor "boiled" state, but was as close as I could come to the real thing... at least in a supermarket in upstate New York.

After having read mention of it in some books (including The Kind Diet--as an alternative to a traditional cup of coffee) set in South America, I thought I would pick up a bottle (again, being aware that it is likely not the same thing described in the books) and give it a try. Though I had hoped for a "true" sample, the beverage I purchased did contain a sweetener (in the form of "organic evaporated cane juice").

In the end, after refrigerating the bottle for a day, I took advantage of the Guayaki Yerba Mate as a post-run drink this morning after returning home. Given the circumstance, I found it very refreshing, though just a little sweet for my tastes. despite this, it was a good chaser for my vitamins and whole grain English muffin with peanut butter post-run feast.

Breathe in, breathe out… YOU AND I ARE ALIVE!

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