Monday, February 15, 2010

The Training Week(end) That Was... 2/13-14

I thought I would commemorate the completion of my first two consecutive days of running since the week ending July 5, 6/29-7/5 (nearly seven months ago!)by posting a recap of what came previously.

Except for this Wednesday's Sectional Championships (and possible trip to the state qualifiers fro some of my student athletes the following week), my second Indoor Track and Field season, so (as previously blogged about) I am using this week's Presidents' Week Recess to jump start my training. Despite the occasional ache in my knees (it has only been two days, you know) I am feeling more confident with each run.

Following my hiatus from training, I have understandably seen my fitness diminish greatly. According to my physician, my thigh muscles (and by extension the connective tissue around my kneecap) have "atrophied" slightly due to lack exercise (save some random bicycling, walking and hiking) so two weeks ago he advised my to continue using some strengthening exercises as I seek to return to running. Even though I am "back," well, I ran the past two days, the challenge of beginning back at square one is an exciting one.

The change in training is a significant one. For example, on June 30 I completed a training run of 21 miles in just short of three hours. This morning, I managed to stumble through 5 miles in just over forty minutes, after putting in 4.8 the day before! Here is what took place this past week(end) with my training:
Monday-Friday: Nada
Saturday: 4.8 miles @ 8:25 min/mile pace
Sunday: 5.0 miles @ 8:25 min/mile pace

TOTAL MILEAGE: R 9.8 miles (+9.8 miles from the previous week)
Weigh-In*: 193 lbs. (+9 lbs. from July 6) [* @ 6:30 a.m. on 2/15/10]
It is hard not to notice that on July 4 (at the height of my ultra training) I weighed in at 184 lbs. Last Monday, I "tipped" the scales at 193 lbs. My intention is to get back to about 180 lbs. at just about the time I will be participating in my first formal "race" in about a months time. I have already been attempting to improve on my diet (a journey I embarked on a three months ago when I chose stop eating meat, fish and poultry) so I feel prepared to make strides in that department.

It is probably a good idea to register for some sort of structured "race." Because I had been fairly competent (i.e. didn't come in the bottom 50%) of most previous races, any race will likely almost assuredly involve a deal of personal pride swallowing. I've got a number of ideas (and a pile of multi-colored fliers with races and dates), but I'm still waiting another day or two before running lightly, establishing another training plan and making some decisions.

Breathe in, breathe out… YOU AND I ARE ALIVE!

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