Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Run: 3.9 mi. in :32.30 min. @ 4:35 a.m.

Weather: Cloudy, 53°F, 80% Humidity, Wind: From SSW @ 5 mph; feels like 53°F.
Pace: 8:16 min/mile
Course: Out towards Winton Road and back.

My previously stated goal for this morning's run was to go a slightly shorter distance, but at a brisker pace than the day before and at this I failed. While I though I did make a conscious effort to pick up the pace (and I know that I mapped out a shorter distance over which to do so) the clock doesn't lie and in the end my pace was still above an eight-minute mile. EPIC FAIL. (Heck, I was even slower than the pace yesterday that prompted me to move in the direction of a shorter faster workout!)

So, where do I go from here?

I wai until tomorrow, plan out another route and give it a shot again--I continue stretching and warming-up well and slowly (more slowly than I had thought, perhaps) begin to work myself back into some semblance of condition. While chugging down the last quarter mile today, I kept coming back to the vision of an old automobile that had many miles on it , but though it could still run, did not run quite so well... this is how I felt this morning.

Breathe in, breathe out… YOU AND I ARE ALIVE!

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