Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Run: 4.9 mi. in :40.50 min. @ 4:45 a.m.

Weather: Fair, 55°F, 93% Humidity, Wind: Calm; feels like 55°F.
Pace: 8:24 min/mile
Course: A loop down East Avenue into Brighton, up Highland Avenue, past Cobbs Hill, onto Culver Road and home.

After having Monday as a rest day, and spending ninety minutes lugging 400 pound pole vault mats to the storage trailer that afternoon, it was a struggle to get out of the house this morning. About fifteen minutes into the run, my desire to turn around and go home subsided slightly, and I committed to a workman-like run of almost five miles.

It wasn't until I walked up into the driveway afterwards that my achy knees reminded me that I had neglected to pop a couple Ibuprofen prior. Regardless, I was remarkably mediocre in the consistency of my training pace--a fact of my current training status I need to address if I am ever going to get faster.

Breathe in, breathe out… YOU AND I ARE ALIVE!

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