Monday, July 12, 2010

Run: 7 miles in :59.52 min @ 5:10 am

Weather: Partly Cloudy, 66°F, 93% Humidity, Wind: SSW @ 4 mph; feels like 66°F.
Course: ?
Pace: 8:33 min/mile
Effort: 4 of 5
How did I feel? Very well, thank you!
Gear: Hydration Belt, "old school" shorts

Due to a family roadie to my stepson's high school crew (rowing) regatta in Buffalo, NY, very early yesterday morning (we left at 6:00 am), my traditional Sunday run, became a slightly less traditional Monday one. While I toyed with fitting it in during the evening on Sunday, the humidity, and my late-day laziness, made that a fight not worth engaging in. I'm back -to-work today (summer school curriculum planning day), so what better way than to kick-it off than with a nice, dark, cool run?

Following my run, I thought to myself that if I ever do get back on track with a consistent training regime, I will look back at this morning as a turnaround series of moments contributing to this improvement!

Breathe in, breathe out… YOU AND I ARE ALIVE!

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