Sunday, July 25, 2010

The Training Week That Was... 7/19-25

Another productive week, and one during which I continue to feel that my training is moving in a positive direction.

Generally speaking, though my mileage only increased a very safe half mile, the intensity and purpose with which I put those miles in showed improvement. As the week progressed, I had the sense that I was logging much more mileage, but the data did not bear this out.

Here is what went down this past week:
Monday: Rest
Tuesday: 5.5 miles in :57.38 min. @ 5:45 a.m.
Wednesday: 6.8 miles in :57.44 @ 5:20 a.m.
Thursday: 6.6 miles in :54.47 min. @ 5:45 a.m.
Friday: Rest
Saturday: 10.8 miles in 1:36.19 min. @ 5:20 a.m.
Sunday: Rest

TOTAL MILEAGE: R 29.7 miles (+ 0.7 from the previous week)
Weigh-In*: 188 lbs. (-1 lbs from previous week) [* @ 5:30 a.m. on 7/26/10]
I'm also happy to report the fourth consecutive week with a slight reduction in total weight--this week a loss of a single pound. Except for the initial week following my wisdom teeth (three!)being extracted, I've been consistently working towards dropping a pound a week. Having achieved my late may goal of getting below 190 (from 199), I am now working towards the 180 mark by September first. The largest barrier to success in that arena will be my week long trip with my wife to Aspen, Colorado the final week og August. This week will lead up to the half marathon I am hoping to run in mid-September, so maybe that will be enough to keep me disciplined!

Breathe in, breathe out… YOU AND I ARE ALIVE!

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