Saturday, August 07, 2010

A Lake Riley Heron Returns!

He's ba-a-a-ack!

After an absence of nearly a year , my last post regarding the original Lake Riley Heron was posted in July 2009!), a THE NEW Lake Riley Heron made a triumphant return this morning. At around 5:15 a.m. when I ran by the darkened lake I thought I saw something, but was unsure until returning nearly 90 minutes later with my camera and spotted him at the center of the lake.

There had been an observed absence of ANY herons from the lake's waters for quite a while as a result (I think) of a spring fish kill which left the bird's food supply (uh... fish) dead. Following what I can only assume was a re-stocking of the small artificial "lake" it would appear there are enough to warrant at the very least a spot for the lake on the heron's travel itinerary.

When I first returned to the parking lot, the heron had found a perch
at the center fo the lake.

Patience is rewarded as, after waiting 10 minutes, the heron sets off
for the near (to the parking lot, and therefore, my location) bank.

The heron, up close an personal--with "friends" who unwittingly
provide some scale for his (her?) size.

Breathe in, breathe out… YOU AND I ARE ALIVE!

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