Sunday, August 08, 2010

Run: 13.7 miles in 1:57.35 min. @ 5:45 a.m.

Despite the warning sign at the park entrance suggesting that one enters
"at their own risk," I haven't come across any causes for concern.

Weather: Cloudy, 62°F, 75% Humidity, Wind: From SW @ 6 mph; feels like 62°F.
Course: Half Marathon Training Run from USATF Map It!
Pace: 8:34 min/mile
Effort: 3 out of 5
How did I feel? Great!
Gear: Amphipod RunLite Trail Runner

Note the absence of the "≈" in my training log above; today, rather than running "nekkid" I brought my watch to gauge my overall effort, with a target towards an 8:30 pace which, given the distance, would equate to a (roughly) two hour run time.

A very consistently paced long slow distance run which I accomplished with a fair degree of active comfort, and during which I benefited from the welcome, slightly cooler (62°F!), temperatures. Following up on last week's hydration questions, I did cut my two flasks of H2O with blue PowerAde to fairly good effect--one variable that was to my benefit this morning (and will likely not be the case on the upcoming weekend races) was the coolish temps and the fact that I was partially running undercover of the dusky morning. It might be helpful to commit to some training runs later in the morning or (ugh!) maybe even in the afternoon.

No more stoppping for long periods of time to get across the
busy street for local canal-goers!

This morning's course took me onto the Erie Canal for the first time in over a year and some wonderful civic improvement projects have been completed, specifically at the Clover Road lock park where one no longer needs to stop to walk across a fairly busy road mid-run. How fortunate I feel to live in an area that is so supportive of its community of athletes (bicyclists, walkers, runners)!

Breathe in, breathe out… YOU AND I ARE ALIVE!

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