Saturday, August 07, 2010

Run: 5.5 miles in ≈:45 min. @ 5:20 a.m.

Weather: Clear, 54°F, 80% Humidity, Wind: From SW @ 4 mph; feels like 54°F.
Course: Five and a Half Jack made using USATF Map It!
Pace: ≈8:10 min/mile
Effort: 3 out of 5
How did I feel? Good!
Gear: Amphipod RunLite Trail Runner, Amphipod Xinglet Reflective Wear

A combination of earlier morning responsibilities, including insuring that my wife and stepson are up and on the road for his Canadian regatta, forced me to switch my proposed Saturday and Sunday runs, resulting in this morning's planned long, slow distance run from today until tomorrow. Given my (of late anyway) achy knees, this is probably a good hing as the shorter run (5+ miles) will hopefully "grease the skids" for tomorrows longer one (a planned 13+ miler).

The only real drawback is that this morning's cool weather would have been perfect for such a long run (especially in light of recent humid morning's), but my hope is that weather projections are accurate and tomorrow morning will still be cooler that last week's 5 a.m. 74°F!

The excellent (dark, cool) "perfect" weather resulted in a fine come--back short run, setting up what I am hoping will be a similarly "climated" long(er) run tomorrow!

Breathe in, breathe out… YOU AND I ARE ALIVE!

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